15MW Dual fuel turbine plant that provides energy to the University, Faith Tabernacle, Medical Center and the neighboring environs

15MW of Additional Power

The gas plant was needed after a 2012 report indicated that over 700 million naira was spent on electricity alone.

The Plant currently serves canaanland, campus and estates within. However, plans are already in motion to produce more energy using Solar and Waste.

The Power Plant is a combined cycle power plant, which means it uses both a gas turbine and a heat recovery steam generator to generate electricity. The plant has burned natural gas solely, and currently uses five boilers to generate steam and four turbines to generate electricity.

The plant is staffed by a small number of hardworking employees who work together to keep the planting running constantly.

Environmental Standards

The Power Plant at Canaanland meets and exceeds all emissions standards.

The renewable operating permit governs all air emissions for the power plant as well as the entire campus.


The plant's primary source of energy is 275 psig high pressure natural gas, purchased from Consumers Energy. In case of emergencies, the plant has a limited supply of oil to use as a backup. 

Power plant electricity

Electricity is generated internally at 13,800 volts through two 15 megawatt gas combustion turbines and at 480 volts through one 900 kW steam turbine and one 800 kilowatt gas engine for black start and peak shaving. Electricity is distributed to campus at both 13,800 volts and 2,400 volts

Steam generation & Water treatment

Steam is generated at 200 psig, 480 degrees Fahrenheit superheat through three boilers and two heat recovery steam generators and is reduced to 60 psig through a steam turbine or two reducing stations for distributions. Steam is further reduced to five psig for internal plant use for the deaerators, hot lime system and steam turbine feed pump.

A hot lime system is utilized in conjunction with anthracite filters and zeolite softeners to achieve zero hardness makeup water to the boilers. The 800 gallons per minute capacity of the system is capable of full 100 percent makeup.

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