Covenant News

ADEPTI Training: Covenant University Management Advises Staff to Maximize the Training Opportunity

The training programme of the Digital Bridge Institute, under the canopy of the Advance Digital Empowerment Programme for Tertiary Institutions (ADEPTI), returned to Covenant University for the fourth time since its inception.

Delivering the welcome remark at the opening session of the training, the Acting Registrar, Mrs. Regina Tobi-David, appreciated the Digital Bridge Institute (DBI) and the team of facilitators for making themselves available to add to the ICT knowledge of Covenant University staff.

Mrs. Tobi-David advised participants to see their nominations to participate in the training programme as a privilege geared at keeping them abreast of the latest trends in the information and communication technology world, and reiterated the University Management’s commitment to her core value of capacity building.

She advised the trainees to make the most of the opportunity to be part of this experience, as it would be very helpful across all levels, both in the academic and non-academic fields. According to her, the world is going digital, and there are skills needed to maintain relevance in the digital world that must be learned, relearned, and upgraded at every given point in time.

Declaring the training programme open, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Abiodun H. Adebayo, highlighted the level of seriousness needed before going into this programme, as the aim is to equip the academic community with the requisite ICT skills essential for the 21st century.

Professor Adebayo said the issue of digital literacy in the workplace has become crucial, as it confers the requisite ability, awareness, and mindset to thrive at work by processing and applying relevant information and data, thereby creating content and connecting with clients and other professionals through responsible and effective use of digital workplace tools.

He said that technology is no longer limited to some factors or areas of the economy, which has made it necessary for all in the workforce to be digitally literate. "An employee that is digitally literate is most likely to be effective and productive because he or she has the skills to identify opportunities and gaps that can be filled towards making the organization operate at the very top of industry expectations," he posited.

The training organized by the Digital Bridge Institute, an offshoot of the Nigerian Communications Commission in Abuja, has been carefully tailored to help advance the digital Skills of the staff of the University and keep them abreast of vital tools to make them perform at the very cutting edge of technology in their assignments.

The general objective is to help participants understand and maximize the tools and features of Microsoft Office Applications, use Microsoft Office Applications to automate and simplify office and academic tasks, understand and apply cybersecurity measures, collaborate online using simple internet tools, understand and apply techniques for the application of the internet in supporting academic activities, and know the essential concepts and principles of Internet Governance, the Internet of Things, and emerging technologies in the academic milieu.


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